I am Oskar Kosch, PhD

I have a busy mind, and I enjoy engaging in various activities as a “multidisciplinary” individual.

Currently, I hold the position of assistant professor in the Department of Strategic Analysis at Krakow University of Economics. I have graduated from KUE with degrees in Economics, Organization and Management, as well as from the Faculty Individual Educational Pathway (WISE). Additionally, I am proud to be a member of the European Academy of Management since 2019. Throughout my career, I have actively participated in research projects focused on computer-aided research methods in management sciences. Furthermore, I hold a strong belief in Open Source and highly value R.

Research Interests

In light of the significant development of science as a field of human activity, an expanding body of scientific knowledge has been produced. This development stems from our desire to comprehend the world around us and is based on rigorous methods aimed at providing answers to the questions posed by humanity. However, this information overload requires an effective approach in order to level it out. Computer-assisted research methods have proven to be a valuable tool in achieving this goal. Consequently, just like how mathematics relies on computers to develop theories, other fields of knowledge can undoubtedly benefit from the successful integration of computer technology into the research process.

One of my main research interests lies in the analysis of social networks, encompassing entire graphs, as well as individual nodes and specific parts of the network. Notably, I have developed a new measure of centrality known as the structural neutrality of nodes.